The worship committee has been meeting consistently to bring you new and improved online worship services. We have prepared several worship services from April to July and are planning more for August in the minister's absence. We would like to hear from the congregants as to whether we are meeting your needs for spiritual worship. Please send your feedback to Nancy Deer ( and she will pass it on or you can use the form on our website under the "Home" tab.
We have migrated our online worship platform from Zoom to Google Meet; neither is perfect but we are trying to iron out the wrinkles.
We recently added to the beginning of our Order of Worship at 10:20 greetings and welcome. At the end of the service, we have added announcements and discussion time. It's possible to break out into smaller groups for discussion if that's what the congregation wants. Anyone who is interested in joining our team should contact Nancy Deer ( and we will get right back with you.
Thank you to all who have been attending online services. We need your input.
Members of the Worship Committee are: Rev. Donna Renfro, Pam Johnson, Maya Lazarus, John Ivy, Joe Daigle, John Faber, Ivy Chatwin, and Erin Wilkinson.
A big thank you to Joe Daigle and John Faber for keeping our technology going.
Pam Johnson and Maya Lazarus
Worship Committee Co-Chairs
