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Living our Covenant


The Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation of the Brazos Valley
UUCBV Committee Logo Drafts_UUWF.png

The UUWF of the Brazos Valley is an organization that advances justice for women and promotes the spiritual, social and educational life of its members.  It strives to be an ever increasing force for good in our community. The UUWF of BV has been an active part of the UUCBV church since March 1, 1989.


Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month following the worship service at noon.  


If you are looking for a meaningful way to unite with UU women, join us. Membership in UUWF is not required to participate in the group's programming, but payment of $10 annual membership dues makes your membership official and supports the group's ongoing activities. If you’re not on the email list for UUWF communications and would like to be added, contact Nancy Deer ( and she will pass along your request to UUWF leadership.

Kids Playing Tug of War

Fun & Fellowship

Re Mascot Final (1).jpg
We excitedly await the opening of our new building so we can continue Brazos UU's history of fun. In past years, we have had concerts, coffeehouses, painting nights, costume contests, movie nights, park meetups, holiday celebrations, and more!

We enjoy creative activities and having fun
 like photoshopping our own RE Mascot pictured on the left.

Sign up for our eCast or check our News Blog to make sure you don't miss any of the many events we have going on!
Fun & Fellowship
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Music is an important element of UU
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The UUCBV is blessed to have many talented musicians. From composing to performing, listen for yourself to hear sounds of UUCBV. Everyone is welcome to contribute their musical talents! 

Guest musicians make regular appearances in our variety of worship formats and ceremonies.  If you would like to contribute your musical talents, please contact us.

At our new church building in Bryan, Texas we have resumed many of our musical activities in our new sanctuary. Historically we have held Guest Performances, concert fundraisers, Sunday Choir, music workshops, and more.

Music at UUCBV

Music at UUCBV

Music at UUCBV
UUCBV Volunteer Appreciation 1-16-2022

UUCBV Volunteer Appreciation 1-16-2022

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LGBTQ Pride Music Video

LGBTQ Pride Music Video

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This Little Light of Mine by The Reverends Schmidt

This Little Light of Mine by The Reverends Schmidt

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UUCBV History Timeline Video

UUCBV History Timeline Video

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Image by Martin Kníže

  Garden Gurus  

Gardening Equipment
As we settle in our new church, the Garden Gurus will be in charge of the Gardens for our new property. 

Stay tuned for more information.
Garden Gurus
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