Over 200 people died from Winter Storm Uri, YET our lawmakers have
STILL not passed meaningful legislation to ensure no more deaths.
The entire House is slated to vote on CSSB3 this Sunday.
In order for this bill to be effective, we need you to call key representatives
& ask them to vote
for three amendments that will INCREASE the strength of Bill CSSB3.
O/W they should NOT VOTE to pass Bill CSSB3.
Please call today
- (Friday, May 21), this Saturday or by early Sunday morning -
the following people:
Repr. John Raney - (512) 463-0698
Rep. Dan Huberty: (512) 463-0520
Rep. Chris Paddie: (512) 463-0556
Rep. Jim Murphy: (512) 463-0514
Rep. Phil King: (512) 463-0738
Re. Todd Hunter: (512) 463-0672
Rep. J.M. Lozano: (512) 463-0463
Rep. Sam Harless: (512) 463-0496
If there is no answer, LEAVE A MESSAGE:
I. Give your name, your age, who you are (voting citizen, teacher, lawyer, artist, homemaker, etc.), the city you live in and your phone number.
II. And ask the representative to vote for these amendments:
The weatherization requirements currently on S.B. 3 are still too weak to protect ALL Texans.
Require the entire gas system to be weatherized (not just the power plant) for freezing cold weather in addition to power plants. This only makes sense.
Add in energy efficiency measures, because it would lower energy needs during the next winter freeze.
Stabilize the electric grid and save energy by weatherizing homes and people’s businesses
Texas communities must be protected in the occurrence of another climate emergency and these amendments are important to do so.
III. Tell these representatives to OPPOSE Rep Lucio III and the Buffet/Berkshire Hathaway amendment - This proposal would to potentially force Texas to waste $8 Billion to pay for dirty gas plants.
Sponsored by Jolt, Texas Rising, Environment Texas and Sierra Club
Please, watch for more BLOGS in the upcoming days
to pass bills that make sense &