Help Wanted: Brazos Mobile Food Pantry
Boys and Girls Club
4th Saturday of Each Month
2-hour shifts
The Brazos Mobile Food pantry serves families in our community. Brazos UUs have been great volunteers, but we need some more help! Who can help? Anyone 12 and up can serve food, and there is a food sorting program for volunteers under 12. This is a great opportunity for families!
Here is a Google Form to Sign Up to Help: https://forms.gle/XQNMywVmk5jp5YAE8
Every adult volunteer should complete a short civil rights training to make sure we follow the guidelines of the organizers: https://squaremeals.org/FandNResources/Training/CivilRights.aspx
If you have any questions, please contact our Brazos UU contact person, Pam Johnson at prljohnson100@gmail.com.
This is a great excuse to where your yellow "Side with Love" t-shirts!