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UUWF June Latitudinarian Article

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

News from the UUWF

By Katie Womack, President

The UU Women’s Federation typically pushes the May meeting into the beginning of June to avoid conflicting with the annual congregational meeting. This year we won’t be able to have our traditional end-of-the-year potluck which is always a treat. However, we will hold the meeting on the first Sunday of June, 6/7. At this meeting we will elect officers for 2020/21, set goals for the coming year, and most importantly spend time together on Zoom reconnecting. We will not meet in July and August is TBD. So everyone join in on the June meeting before we break for summer!

With Maya’s exceptional leadership on the Reproductive Justice curriculum, we successfully completed the program and are proud that UUCBV voted at the annual meeting to adopt the principles, thereby becoming an officially designation Reproductive Freedom Congregation. Now we continue the work of promoting reproductive freedom in our community. Many thanks to Maya for all her efforts on this initiative.

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