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Updated: Oct 8, 2020

UU THE VOTE continues until Election Day,

Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. 

This is a Second Call for Phase II:

Texas Youth Postcard Project for

Get Out the Climate Vote (GOTV).

If you missed signing up to address and mail postcards (postage is paid for) or you have the time to write out more post cards, please contact Pam Johnson, 832-641-9782

The Texas Youth Postcard Project still has thousands of printed cards left.

You only need to write a short message, so it takes about

two hours to write 25 postcards.

Texas Youth Postcard Project. 

This is a non-partisan, focused postcard event that looks like it will be a very impactful project. The voting yield promises to be sizable since databases to focus on those with environmental concerns who haven’t voted so much in previous elections was used.

Background: This project began as the Texas Youth Postcard Project for GOTCV (Get out the Climate Vote).

Importance: The climate crisis worsens. The U.S. continues disastrous policies that further hasten future climate catastrophes. Some tipping points are close to tipping. We must elect political leaders at every level of government who will listen to science, take leadership on this, and stop it. This Texas Youth Postcard Project is an effective way for folks to help. Many youth are scared they'll have no future, that floods and fires will wipe them out. Many are doing something about it. They now ask adults to help them in a project to get out the climate vote and stop climate change.

Youth have written thousands of postcards to climate "nonvoters" to go vote this election. Their goal is to write thousands more and they're working on it. But they can't write all 40,000 they printed and targeted, and would like adults to help write postcards. Also, about half of writers are now buying stamps for the postcards they write but that leaves $7,000 worth of stamps needed. If you can spare a little money to help buy some of the stamps we'll need to buy, that would be great. For more information, contact


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