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TxUUJM Newsletter

LATE-BREAKING NEWS! This week's two UU the Vote phone banks will be partnered with TXUUJM, calling Texas voters to get out the vote and fight voter suppression. We need your help spreading the word to your congregation and contacts TODAY/ASAP. If your church newsletter doesn't go out until late in the week, could you please scroll down and forward the email below to your church's email list and share on social media? You can share this FB post on your church's page and your own..

BIG ACTIONS WED/THURS THIS WEEK - PLEASE REGISTER HERE: UUs from across the continent will gather to phone bank to Texas voters this week with the Texas UU Justice Ministry and our national UU the Vote leaders. This is a BIG DEAL! Let's show up in BIG NUMBERS and show our fellow UUs that our congregation is deeply committed to democracy and getting out the vote! ALL WELCOME as we phone bank when it counts! #UUtheVote #TXUUJM #GetOutTheVote

TXUUJM / UU the Vote National phone banks THIS WEEK

(Pre-empting We Cry Justice + Action Hour on Thursday)

Hello, Texas UUs and our justice-seeking friends, As I take this day, Indigenous Peoples Day, of reflection, I'm writing to you today in faith and hope from North Texas. Today, only a few weeks ahead of the start of early voting and less than a month ahead of election day, I worry about the fate of our democracy. I want to maintaining pressure and bend the arc toward justice. So, I am thrilled to invite you to participate with UUs around the country in one (or two) phonebank(s) to Texas voters! "UUs from across the continent will gather to phone bank to Texas this week. This is a BIG DEAL! As the Texas UU Justice Ministry, let's show up in BIG NUMBERS and show our fellow UUs that Texans are deeply committed to democracy and getting out the vote!" - Rev. Erin Walter, Executive Director, TXUUJM As JaZahn Hicks, UU the Vote Campaign Manager, notes in his most newsletter:

"The 2022 midterms is not a “practice-run” for the presidential election of 2024. These midterms will decide if we can even have a fair presidential election in 2024. This election will decide the fate of not just our lives, but the lives of our children and grandchildren ... In this moment, we need to be having real conversations with real voters. Full stop. Either through phone banks or text banks, we have to tell as many voters how high the stakes are in this midterm election. "Now is the time to phone bank. I know it can be scary and difficult but when we come together as a beloved community, the work gets easier, the load gets lighter and the impact becomes greater."

Every call made in community strengthens our resolve and our commitment to a multi-racial democracy that centers justice, community care, and love. No experience necessary! We'll provide grounding, training and support as we make calls together to Texas voters using the Center for Common Ground's phonebanking tool. Won't you join us (and invite some friends) to one or both phonebanks, which will be held on Wednesday, October 12 and Thursday, October 13 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CT/ 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM MT? (NOTE, you must sign up using the links below to get the zoom invite!) Let's bring a TEXAS-sized TXUUJM contingent!! I'll be there on Wednesday, October 12 Count me in on Thursday, October 13 NOTE: Since we'll be joining the National phonebank on Thursday, we will NOT hold our usual 6-8pm Thursday night programming of We Cry Justice and Action Hour this and every Thursday, 6-8pm CT. You can always find more info Bending Texas Toward Justice TOGETHER, Sarah Berel-Harrop, TXUUJM Intern Minister P.S. - Has your congregation checked out the Trans Inclusion in Congregations program yet? See below...


The Texas UU Justice Ministry is thrilled to officially announce our new partnership with the Transforming Hearts Collective! Through this partnership, Texas UU congregations will have lifetime access to the Transgender Inclusion in Congregations course, for use this year or any time. The program also comes with a worship service, put together by Transforming Hearts leader Alex Kapitan and TXUUJM Minister and Executive Director Rev. Erin Walter. One leader from each congregation may fill out this form to get started with access to the curriculum and worship materials. TXUUJM is deeply grateful to Live Oak UU Church Endowment and to the North Texas UU Congregations for funding the curriculum, and to Transforming Hearts for working with us to shape this partnership! Appreciation also goes to San Gabriel UU Fellowship (Georgetown) and Northwoods UU Church (The Woodlands) for their contributions.

*SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023!*

That's the date when TXUUJM members will gather at First UU Church of Austin to celebrate TXUUJM's 10-year anniversary, honor Rev. Chuck Freeman as minister emeritus, hear from our justice partners, prepare for Legislative Action Day later in the spring, give out volunteer awards, share a meal, and HAVE FUN together after these two+ years apart.

Event RSVP and more info to come. Meanwhile, please MARK YOUR CALENDARS and tell your church!

*NOTE: This is NOT the day we go to the capitol to talk with legislators. That will be a weekday later in the spring. This is the annual preparation event so we are connected and informed before we gather at the capitol. Legislative Action Day date still TBD.

NOTE: We would like those who would normally attend Action Hour THIS week to sign up for the UUTV phonebank instead. Signup Link: Join us 6 pm NEXT Thursday, October 20: We Cry Justice discussion group w/ the Texas Poor People's Campaign* 7 pm NEXT Thursday, October 20: TXUUJM Action Hour All on Zoom at Meeting ID: 333 042 6480

Guided by Unitarian Universalist principles, TXUUJM educates & organizes member congregations, and partners with sympathetic organizations in order to advocate effectively for public policies that:

  • Uphold the worth and dignity of every person;

  • Further justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;

  • Ensure the use of the democratic process;

  • Protect religious freedom; and,

  • Promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence.

  • Accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

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