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“The Warmth of Community”

Here in the Faber household, we are longing for community. From talking to others, a feeling of isolation seems to be one of the most punishing aspects of protecting ourselves and others during this pandemic. In our RE meeting on October 19, the need for connection was a recurring feeling expressed by participants. This month in RE, we will try to build and maintain some semblance of community.

Looking back on the past month, RE attendants received a lot of valuable lessons and information. However, something is still missing for me. It took almost a month to put into words and I am still not sure I have a fully formulated idea. I remembered our familiar chalice extinguishing words and it clicked. I am missing the warmth of our RE community. I miss hearing about how gymnastics lessons are going or what your favorite colors are. I miss seeing your drawings and hearing your ideas. I miss singing songs with you. So, November is going to be filled with opportunities for us to re-engage with each other. We welcome all ages to come to RE! Be on the lookout for some safe, in-person ways for us to connect this November!

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