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Tell Your Congressperson: Protect the Pandemic - UU the Vote

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Tell Senator Cruz and Congressman Flores that, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, you support EXPANDED VOTE BY MAIL to make sure everyone has the right to vote. 

Expanded Vote by Mail including:

  • Expansion of federally-funded pre-paid postage (federal $$ pay postage for military and overseas ballots already).

  • Acceptance of all ballots postmarked on or before election day.

  • Collection of ballots can be aided by community groups and medical personnel.

  • Voters must be given the opportunity to correct any signature mismatch issues before their ballot is not counted.

  • Voters must be allowed to request an absentee ballot online with no excuse.

  • Extended processing and certification period (e.g., count may begin before election day).

  • A voter may return ballot to a polling place on election day or deliver to designated drop-off location.

Expanded Early Voting including:

  • Minimum of 15 consecutive days of early voting prior to a Federal election, including weekends.

Safe In-Person Voting including:

  • Cleaning supplies and procedures and disinfected, gloves, physical spacing.

Increased access to voter registration including:

  • Online voter registration and correction of existing registration information.

Same day voter registration including:

  • Eligible citizens can register to vote and cast ballots on the day of a Federal election, including on early voting days.

Strengthen the Election Assistance Commissionincluding:

  • Increased funding, compliance enforcement on policies, and ability to provide guidance on conducting elections during natural disasters and health crises.  

Accommodations for voters residing on Indian lands including:

  • Allow those on Indian lands to designate buildings as ballot pick-up and collection locations, at no cost to the Indian Tribes and expand language protections.

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