On Dec 2, 2022, John Ivy, Molly Hagan-Ward, and Kathy Wheeler met with Paul Hawryluk from Keys & Walsh and Brian Gibbs, our architect, at the church property for our monthly update. Charles Vernon, the1719 E 29th St property manager for Keys & Walsh, was unable to attend due to complications with diabetes.
Brian & Paul were ecstatic about the superb quality of the church’s foundation! Paul mentioned the framing would go up soon and that framing goes quickly. He said after the framing is done, the finish work goes slowly.
There was decreased work during December due to the Christmas and New Year holidays. The curbs are in and top soil previously removed from the future parking lot area has been transferred to the parking lot islands. The city building regulations have requirements for landscaping that our landscape architect from very early in the project laid out for us.
Our first walk-through open to members and friends of UUCBV is scheduled for Saturday Jan 22, 2022 at 10:30 am. The date and time to meet at the 1719 E 29th St property was selected by our contractor’s representative. Please RSVP on the Evite site if you plan to come. Parking is available in the Terminix parking lot (Thanks, Terminix!) next door to our property. Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged, even though we are outdoors.
-Kathy Wheeler, Chair, SST