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Raise your voice for Medicaid expansion!

Special Session begins July 8

Urge Medicaid Expansion

Did you know that:

  • Low-income Texans have significantly worse health care availability than in other Southern states that have expanded Medicaid.

  • If Texas expands Medicaid, an estimated 1.2 million uninsured Texans would become eligible for Medicaid (1).

  • Most low-income Texans think Medicaid would have positive economic effects on their families and the state.

  • Medicaid expansion in other states has been shown to have a wide range of benefits, including

  • improved access to care

  • affordability of care

  • better self-reported health

  • with no reductions in employment (2).

  • Medicaid expansion would bring an estimated $100 billion of federal funding over the next decade into Texas.

  • Prior research suggests that Medicaid expansion will:

  • help reduce the amount of uncompensated care - this would decrease rural

hospital closures (80% of which happen in nonexpansion states)

  • improve the financial health of hospitals and

  • improve the financial health of providers

  • benefit the state economy (3).

What You Can Do!

Urge Texas leaders to include coverage in the state’s request

for federal Medicaid dollars.

Click here to leave your comments --> Your Comments are Critical!

(1) Buettgens, Blumberg, and Pan, Uninsured in Texas, 2018.

(2) Mazurenko et al., “Effects Of Medicaid Expansion,” 2018.

(3) Norris, “Texas and ACA’s Medicaid,” 2019.


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