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President's Column

Board & Committee Nominations: Now is the time of year that the Nomination Committee is hard at work tapping church members to fill open positions on the Board of Trustees (BOT) and other important committees. Members of the Nomination Committee are Carolyn Clark, Erin Wilkinson, Katie Womack, and Eleanor Ford. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees, would like to join a committee or nominate someone for an open position, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the Nomination Committee or Board members. Don’t be surprised if someone selects you! Of course, you will likely say “YES!” because you will be working with our fantastic new President of the Board, Molly Hagan-Ward, and other dynamic, progressive board members starting June 1, 2022.

To help you accept a position, the Board is updating the descriptions for each post. Being on the Board provides an opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the UUCBV and Unitarian Universalism. You will become familiar with meeting agendas, Roberts Rules of Order, church procedures and policies, and better develop your communication and leadership skills. Serving on the Board is also the best way to get your voices heard to make change. The Board focuses on the “big picture,” assessing annual goals and plans and making decisions aligned with the congregation’s mission, vision, and values. Some of the job descriptions have changed significantly. The changes we are making, I feel, are for the betterment of our church.

One of the critical actions of the Board this year was to change our governance style to a Liaison Board. Each board member acts as a liaison to a different ad hoc or permanent church committee. The liaison assists the committee in organizing so that it may more effectively and efficiently contribute to the UUCBV Mission and Vision. Having a liaison helps to improve Board and church membership communications and develop increased transparency in each committee. As liaisons, board members learn organizational and leadership skills empowering them to make positive contributions to the UUCBV. Additionally, the Board added ad hoc committees to make quick decisions for our rapidly changing times.

The great news is that Pastor Kiya Heartwood will have her ordination at the First UU Church of Austin at 11 AM on April 2, 2022. After the ordination, we will start calling her Reverend Kiya. We hope to set up carpooling for the event. With this news and our support for Pastor Kiya as our minister, the Board has appointed a special Call Process Task Force. When a contract minister expresses interest in a call, the Call Process Task Force coordinates the decision-making process, leading the church membership in considering the question of a call. The Call Process Task Force will set procedures and plans to determine if the congregation desires to further our relationship with Pastor Kiya as our Settled “forever” Minister. This process should move quickly; the task force will organize church communications, small group meetings, a Sunday Service about choosing a settled minister, and a final church-wide vote. I hope everyone will be actively involved in this process as we collectively move forward in acquiring our permanent minister.

As we watch the erection of our long-awaited church building, we should be thankful for the UUCBV and its contributions to the personal growth of every one of us. We can look forward to the continued growth in our Children’s RE and Youth Group ministries, the addition of more educational programs, more substantial social justice and community outreach efforts, and a stronger church community. These will happen as we get to know each other better, enjoy fun and productive activities, and form solid personal bonds through our actions.

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