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President's Column

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

I began this term as president of the board with a practice of using the weekly e-cast announcements to answer any and all questions you might have about the property search and other board activities. You may have noticed the Q&A section each week disappeared a few months ago. The reason is simple – no one was asking any questions. My thinking is that everyone is saving up his or her questions for this period we are now in, as it comes down to a decision on a property recommended by the Sacred Space Team. Know that we are working hard now to implement a process whereby everyone can actively participate in the decision, and get all those questions answered.

As you are getting this newsletter we are a only few days away from an all-church meeting to share information about the proposed property (March 3rd after the worship service). The Board has approved establishment of an ad hoc committee for property purchase congregational involvement. This committee is a merging of some Sacred Space Team members and board members who also serve on the Sacred Space Team. This committee represents the most knowledgeable and highly involved people in our two-year property search. They have now carefully planned the next month of opportunities for disseminating information about the property recommendation, sharing visions and viewpoints, answering questions, and getting prepared for the vote to take place at the UUCBV congregational meeting on March 31st.

All who are voting members can vote at the meeting. Proxy voting is allowed for property acquisition. The Membership Committee and Board Secretary will post a list of voting members 14 days prior to the congregational meeting. Please check this March 17 list to confirm your status as a voting member. To be eligible to vote you must have signed the membership book as of March 1, 2019 and have given a recorded contribution of any amount or made a recorded in-kind contribution within the previous 365 days. There are envelopes for cash contributions on the welcome table that have a place on front to provide information so your contribution can be recorded. If you are not sure of your voting status or if you need a proxy ballot, please don’t hesitate to contact me, any member of the Membership Committee, or Rev. Donna, and we can get you the information you need. We want every member’s vote to be counted!

March is also going to be a big fundraising month for us. Check out what’s going on in other parts of the newsletter. Make plans to attend the Service Auction March 16th, which could be the most fun service auction ever and you won’t want to miss it. Check out the church calendar located here to keep up with events and dates: It’s live, current, and useful!

I’ll close with a reminder to come to church early March 3rd for TacoTedTalk, this month led by Jerry Wagnon, stay for lunch after the worship service and attend the Property Purchase Information Meeting.


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