UUWF kicked off our new program year with a nice turnout for a “Welcome Back” and 2019/2020 planning meeting. Treasurer, Kathy Wheeler, noted that UUWF members contributed $595 to the Habitat for Humanity Circle of Women build in Brazos County. The UUWF chapter matched funds of $500 for a total contribution of $1095. Way to go, UUWF women!
After an overview presentation of the UU Reproductive Justice curriculum by Maya Lazarus, the group voted to devote three of the next six meetings to the curriculum. The September, November, and February meetings will cover the Introduction: What is Reproductive Justice; a session on Inherent Worth and Dignity; and a session on Right of Conscience. The sessions will be led by Maya Lazarus.
Other highlights include the annual retreat at Camp Allen, programs on other topics, and a possible field trip in October. Stay tuned.
The September meeting will take place on the 15th in the Multi-Purpose Room (downstairs) at Hillel and the entire congregation is encouraged to attend as we kick off the Reproductive Justice curriculum. For more information on this or other UUWF matters, please feel free to contact me any time by email at kwomack@tamu.edu.