By Katie Womack and Harriet Smith, Co-Chairs
UUWF women spent the October 8-10 weekend at Camp Allen. It was wonderful to be Together Again (theme of the weekend). We were missing Sharon, but her spirit was with us throughout. Everyone enjoyed getting to know and relax with Pastor Kiya. Special events included a labyrinth experience and a fashion show/clothes swap. The group discussed some good ideas for encouraging newcomers to share the retreat experience. More details forthcoming.
*Not pictured – Karen Bachman
Allison Faber will be the guest speaker at the November 21 UUWF meeting. Allison will bring us up to date on the exciting happenings at UUCBV with Religious Education and Membership. Come hear what Allison has underway currently and what we can look forward to in the future! Join the meeting at noon on zoom.