by Maya Lazarus and Pam Johnson
The Settled Minister Working Group (Pam Johnson, Maya Lazarus, Kathi Appelt, and Brian Lockridge) were tasked by our board president with recommending whether we should begin a settled minister search this spring for calling in August 2022. The group decided that now was not an opportune time because of our construction project and financial uncertainties. What would be more feasible? The group went beyond their task and recommended to the Board to search for a contract minister who would agree to a renewable, one-year contract with the possibility of being called to a settled ministry after two years. The Board accepted this recommendation and presented it at an informational Town Hall on March 14th.
Since that time, the Board has approved five church members to represent the congregation on the search committee for a contract minister. (Contract minister is a hired position that will receive a final vote by the Board once a candidate has been recommended and chosen.) The members of the search committee are Rob McGreachin, Kathi Appelt, Brian Lockridge, Pam Johnson, and Maya Lazarus. The contract minister application will be submitted to the UUA Transitions Office in early April after another Town Hall meeting on March 28th to receive input from our congregation on what they feel is most important to look for in a contract minister. The search committee will keep the congregation up-to-date on the search process as we go along. Please feel free to contact any of the search committee members with questions or concerns.
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash
It is very important that we get everyone's feedback at our March 28 meeting.