On March 31, the members of this church decide and vote on whether 1719 E. 29th Street will be the geographical address of where you will build the physical structure of your new church home. We honor all the physical and emotional work that has gone into getting to this stage. Our physical homes represent who we are. Figuring out who and what UUCBV is remains one of the goals of this church and my time with you as your minister. I would venture to say that is a question for many churches. I call your attention to two articles in the current Spring edition of the UUWorld.org, both are about churches defining who they are. Moved to Serve is about serving the greater community, and Sustainable Elegance is about living its green values. Wherever the new church home is, I see the values of serving and sustainability being deciding factors in the search for what UUCBV is and becomes. I am honored and happy to serve as your minister in these exciting times.
April has Salvation and Wholeness as its monthly theme, and will include looking at generosity and what UUCBV means to each of its members and friends, in the Annual Stewardship Drive. There will be a Stewardship Dinner on April 26. I am one of those ministers who believes Stewardship can be openly talked about, so expect to hear from me. The topics of sex, money, and religion are often avoided in ‘polite’ company. Unitarian Universalists generally have no issue with sex and religion, and I believe we can learn to speak of money more easily as well.
I will be out of the area for most of the first two weeks in April. From April 1-4 I am at the annual Southwest UU Ministers retreat at Camp Allen. April 4-8 I am at the Revolutionary Love Conference in NYC. April 8-12 I am visiting friends and family in PA and NJ. I will check emails and phone messages daily, and only respond to urgent requests. Katie Womack and Nancy Deer will have local resources for pastoral emergencies. Be well and well blessed! See you in Worship!
The latest UU Church in Iowa.