We are blessed to welcome 2022 in RE at UUCBV! Our theme of the month is “Renewal” and we are focusing on self-care after the busy holiday season. Check out our monthly RE Newsletter, The Spark, to find ways you and your family can enjoy some healing this
Show yourself some self-care this January and welcome 2022 with an open and rested heart! See you soon at RE!
Our Children’s CartUUn’s class will meet at 5 PM on January 12 to watch and discuss Red’s Dream. We will draw our own dreams and share them with each other. Our Youth Group Meetup will be on January 18 at 5:30 PM. We will be discussing a lesson from Popcorn Theology over wealth inequality in the United States. The locations of both are TBD due to the fickle January weather. We will meet outside and in person, if possible, but I will send out a Zoom link if we are looking at an online meetup. Finally, Game Day is back! Meet with me after church on January 30 to play a variety of board games and hang out with one another during coffee hour. This is for all ages and we welcome everyone to play together!
A special event in January is the annual Martin Luther King Jr. walk and rally on January 17. We would love to have UUCBV families attend and show support for this day of commemoration and service. See the MSJE article for more information.
Children’s RE Schedule:
January 2
Burning Bowl Virtual Church Service: No Children’s RE
January 9
Toolbox of Faith: Ruler
Who determines the rules of how we should be with one another at church? What does a covenant really mean? We hear and discuss the Allegory of the Long Spoons.
January 16
MLK Volunteer Appreciation Multigenerational Service: No Children’s RE
January 23
Moral Tales: Hearing Your Inner Voice
How can you find the courage to speak out when you know something is not quite right? We hear and discuss the Buddhist story “The Wise Teacher’s Test”
January 30
Toolbox of Faith: Paintbrush
How does artistic expression relate to our faith community? We hear the story of the Cellist of Sarajevo and complete musically inspired paintings.