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Has much changed?

Below is a verbiage from a flyer sent to welcome everyone in 1981. What do you feel has changed or still needs to be addressed?


Unitarian Universalism, a humanistic religion, is built on personal human values rather than orthodox theology. You won't find dogmas or revelations, or answers about salvation. You will find a diverse and highly individualistic group of people joined together in a fellowship where differences in belief are welcomed. Indeed, a willingness to disagree is part of our unifying bond.

Unitarian Fellowship - Heritage - Beliefs - Purpose - Membership - Religious Education

In our search for values in daily living, we believe in exploring all religious thought. We encourage being religious by being true to one's self. For our children, we seek a faith without fear and a church experience that will expand their perceptions.

In a world of rapid change, we seek to enrich our lives, to find relevancy, and to help our fellow humans.

Unitarian Universalism is an invitation to grow.

Spring 1981


THE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP of College Station, formed in 1956, is affiliated with about a thousand other Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships in the United States, Canada, England and other parts of the world.

After following similar paths for many years, the two denominations merged in 1961 to form the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), with headquarters in Boston.


Anyone may participate in activities and serve on committees, but only members are eligible to vote and hold office, as person joins our Fellowship by signing a membership form. Joining should indicate a desire to support the Fellowship and share in the work of the group.

We have a minister who is with us twelve weekends a year to conduct services and is also available for counseling. Much of the time the members of the Fellowship conduct our Sunday services and other meetings, plan and otherwise conduct the business of the Fellowship.


Unitarian Universalists share many values and convictions, but we have no creedal statements, and we treasure our diversity as a means of keeping minds open to new insights. Each individual, we believe, should take responsibility for determining his or her own religious convictions.


We meet regularly on an informal basis to seek inspiration. Through our observations and discussions, we celebrate life and human achievements. We think of the Fellowship not as an organizer of our lives, but as an organization through which we can work to make our lives more meaningful.

We also assume responsibility for our own destinies, for the direction of our own lives, and for doing what we can to influence the course of events in the world around us.

Unitarianism and Universalism in this country arose out of 18th Century Calvinism, and the first Universalist church was founded in 1779 in Massachusetts. The first Unitarian church was founded in 1796 in Philadelphia.


As individuals joining together, we seek. equality, justice and self-ful fillment both for ourselves and for others.

Reason as a guide to religious truths and interpretation of Biblical statements separated early founders of our churches from leaders of the orthodox Puritan churches of that time. However, the names of these two religions were derived from rejection of the trinitarian idea of God in three parts, and from the belief that an all-powerful, good God would not finally condemn any of His creatures to damnation (universal salvation).

A newsletter which details our activities is mailed to those who request it. Sunday activities include adult services and discussions, and religious education classes for our children. Other activities include a monthly women's luncheon, family picnics, potluck suppers, workshops, and student and youth groups.

We believe that we need the support and stimulation of others, and that the community around us needs our voice. Enjoying the warmth and excitement of our fellowship in our personal activities, we bond together experiencing life's joys, tasks, and problems. Love guides our living.

We WELCOME all who come to our Fellowship.

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Membre inconnu
20 janv. 2021

I would drop the word "religion" and "religious". It appears twice right off the bat and a few more further down and would turn off a lot of people, not just agnostics or atheists. The word has a negative connotation for many, equating it with dogma. Today, the word "spirituality" is used, and it better implies the openness that UU is all about.

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