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Join RE this Sunday, February 7th at 10 AM.

For the month of February, RE will cover the 7th Principle,

"Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part," as it applies to one's community and environment.

This Sunday, 2/14 is Valentine’s Day and what better way

to celebrate our love for the Earth!

" I Love Composting"

Teri Metcalf will teach us everything we need to know about composting - giving back to the Earth.

Lighting the Chalice

We are Unitarian Universalists.

With minds that think,

Hearts that love,

And hands that are ready to serve.

Together we care for our Earth,

And work for friendship and peace in our world.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We are thankful.

We are thankful to be here.

We are thankful to be here, together.

We are thankful to be here, together, now.

Peace and love!

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