Save the Date - Saturday, Oct. 20th from 6:30 - 10 PM
UUCBV 2018 Halloween Coffee House, $10 suggested donation.
- The Raven
- The Phantom of the Opera (Who was that masked man?)
- The Masquerade of the Red Death
- Best Halloween Costume Contest (children and adults)
- Best Jack-o-Lantern Contest
- Raffles
- Old Classic Black & White Halloween Movies
- Mask Making
- A Scary Halloween Dinner (Is this safe to eat?)
Volunteers needed: Food & Refreshments - We need innovator food creators to prepare meals such as spaghetti & eye balls, jello brains, creepy fingers in a blanket, etc. Contact Mary Ellen Pate,📷 Vocalists - We need a choir and soloist for The Phantom of the Opera, contact John Faber📷 Clean-Up Team Jack-O-Lantern & Mask Making - contact Pam Johnson,📷 Raffle Items - contact Pam Johnson,
