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Congregational Member Feedback

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Request for Congregational Member Feedback Regarding Ministerial Performance:

The Board and the Committee on Ministry (CoM), as well as Rev. Donna, are required by the Unitarian Universalism Association (UUA) to submit feedback on her performance to the UU Ministerial Fellowship Committee MFC), as a part of her renewal application for full ministerial status.  The members of the CoM are seeking voluntary feedback from our Voting and Associate members regarding Rev. Donnas' performance in seven areas of ministry as defined by the UUA, specifically during this past church year (September 1, 2019 to the present).  We will share the results of the feedback with the UUA-MFC, the Board, and Rev. Donna.

We plan to send an email to our members soon with more detail.  So please check your inbox for more information and a link to our electronic feedback form.  If you are unsure if your email address is on file with the church or if you prefer to respond via a printed copy of the form, please send an email to

We encourage all church members to participate in this democratic process and return completed forms by May 3.

The members of the CoM and Rev. Donna appreciate your feedback.

Questions?  Please email us at

Don't forget to check your email for more information.

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