Join Us For
Brazos UU Lunchtime Environmental Talks
Wednesday, March 10th -
12N - 1 PM
Pre-TED TALK Conversation 11:30A-12N
Take a lunch break!
The Good News:
How the Energy Transition Will Eventually Stop
Climate Change
Prof. Gunnar Schade, TAMU Geology
Climate Change is the ultimate test for humanity:
Are we smart enough to prevent the collapse of our own society?
After two centuries of rapid technological process, and several decades of organized denial, we are faced with the necessity of a rapid conversion of our energy system to prevent the worst outcomes of a Global Warming of our own doing.
The good news is that we have all the tools to make it happen, we "only" need to overcome the cultural, social and political barriers we have built over time ...
Note the day change to Wednesday due to Prof. Schade’s teaching schedule
Upcoming Lunchtime Talks On The Environment
Thursday, April 8th - Global ‘Weirding’
By Professor Alan Pepper, TAMU Ecology and Evolution Biology
Expected, But Not-So-Obvious Consequences of Climate Change.
Prof. Pepper will explain the basics of global warming and erratic effects on our climate
Thursday, May 13, 2021 - What Is Wrong With The TX Electric Grid?
By Prof Alfredo Garcia
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Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash