The monthly theme for August is prayer and meditation. “Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” Mohandas Gandhi “The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.” David Lynch
August 4 “What words Unitarian Universalists can use for prayer” Rev. Donna Renfro
Set aside time daily to discern what is of utmost importance.
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” Meister Eckhart
August 11 “Climate Justice – Prayers for the Earth” Guest speaker Valerie Martin
The Future of the Planet May Be on Your Plate
As the climate crisis continues to escalate and our current EPA might as well stand for the Excited Parrot Association, it's easy to fall into despair. While we continue pushing for political action, there's actually a lot we can do individually — that can make more of an impact than recycling, composting, and driving a hybrid, combined.
Valerie Martin is a psychotherapist, yoga instructor and podcaster in Nashville, Tennessee. Val and her husband Chris, a 5th grade teacher, are members of First UU Church of Nashville, where Val co-chairs the Worship Committee. After getting her MSW in Clinical Social Work at the University of Texas (don't worry, she has no school spirit), she worked in residential treatment before opening a private practice, and is currently studying ecopsychology, exploring the impact of our harmful barriers between psyche, nature, and society. Val and Chris are vocalist and drummer respectively for their band, Conventional Wisdom, which "blends existential angst with 90’s-inspired garage rock vibes" — and they transitioned to veganism together in 2016. Val's Mom is Harriet Smith of the UUCBV.
Rebecca Vardiman is a retired United Methodist minister who lives in Cumberland, MD with her husband Nelson. Rebecca chairs the area interfaith ministerial group, and is involved in the local Women's Action Coalition and BWARM, the Baltimore-Washington Area Reconciling United Methodists who seek to affirm the LGBTQIA community and ensure the full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Rebecca studied music at Southwestern University and SMU before attending Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. A frequent guest preacher at area churches since her retirement, Rebecca also plays the celtic harp, which sadly won't fit in her carry-on luggage. Rebecca's sister is Harriet Smith of the UUCBV.
“Prayer in action is love, love in action is service.” Mother Teresa
August 18 “What’s Our Vision?” UUCBV Leaders
Music by the Ukulele Choir
What we care most about being and doing in the Bryan/College Station area and beyond.
August 25 “Praying with our Feet” Rev. Donna Renfro
Rabbi Heschel used that phrase as he walked over the Pettis Bridge. What bridge do we need to walk over? Reflections from Rev. Donna on her Courts and Ports trip to the border.
“We must remember that the test of our religious principles lies not just in what we say, not only in our prayers, not even in living blameless lives—but in what we do for others.” Harry S. Truman