Watch the video of service here:
10:00 a.m. All Ages Religious Education via ZOOM
Dhrubaa Mukherjee Hinduism: The Goddesses of India.
10:20 a.m. Morning Meetup via ZOOM
10:30 a.m. All Ages Worship Service via YouTube
"Paying Attention" by Rev. Aaron Stockwell
The first source of Unitarian Universalism had always fascinated me and perplexed me. How do we create the source that says our experiences of the mystery and wonder matter? How do we go deeper?
The Rev. Aaron Stockwell served as the developmental minister of UUCBV from 2015-2018. He currently serves as the senior minister of the First Parish in Framingham. He lives in Framingham with his fiancee, Lizzie, and their dog, Nox.
11:30 a.m. Online Coffee Hour and Discussion via ZOOM