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3/17/24 Sunday Services @ 1719 E 29th Street in Bryan, TX

Updated: Apr 10

Sunday Services

We are excited to invite you into our new building!

10:00am - Coffee is Ready

10:15 am - Meditative Music Begins in Sanctuary

10:25 am - Ingathering Music and Video Recording Begins

10:30 am - Sunday Worship Service - "The Science of Happiness" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood

We talk about the research on happiness and practical tips on how you can increase your happiness in day-to-day life.

10:45 am - Religious Education - We will be talking about the Spring Equinox. Our Soul Matters theme for March is Transformation.

11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our Fellowship Hall.

12:00pm - Cleanup Begins

Video of Service available via our Youtube

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