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2020 Jesse Coon Award Recipient

Jesse B. Coon Stewardship Award is presented with great appreciation for commitment, dedication, and loving contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Brazos Valley.

"Church is a place where you get to practice what it means to be human," James Luther Adams.

This recipient of the Jess Coon Award exemplifies  the expert and dedicated service to the UUCBV that makes her so deserving of this award.  A member of this church for at least ten years, she has served as a trustee at large, president-elect, president, and past president of the board of trustees.  She also served on a committee to re-write bylaws. Another of her most valuable contributions is to the sacred space team during the selection and purchase of the property for the new church. With her legal background, she provided the team with her own legal advice and could advise the team on when to seek outside advice which she could  then interpret for them. In addition, she has been a vital cog in the wheel of selecting the architect and in navigating the process of making choices in all of the phases involved in bringing the sacred space team close to groundbreaking for our new building. She is a familiar face as a greeter and a radical hospitality member, and currently is serving on the committee on ministry.   It gives me great pleasure to present this award to Joyce Langenegger.

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

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