All Ages Sunday Morning Service Links to view or join Worship Service are found near the top of the home page as brightly colored buttons with text on them. Watch The Video Here:
10:00 a.m. All Ages Religious Education via ZOOM
Honoring Our Loved Ones: In celebration of Día de los Muertos, All Souls Day, and Samhain we will be honoring our loved ones who passed before us. Bring a photo of a deceased loved one (including pets!) as we build ofrendas in our home. In-person park meetup: Hensel Park, 4 PM, masked
10:20 a.m. Morning Meetup via ZOOM
10:30 a.m. All Ages Worship Service via YouTube
"Who should I vote for?" by Rev. Christian Schmidt
In our congregation, we don't tell you who to vote for, but it doesn't mean we don't think about it. We'll talk about voting, civic engagement, and what it means to uphold our UU values on the ballot.
11:30 a.m. Online Coffee Hour and Discussion via ZOOM
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash