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Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees is the legal body that guides our congregation.

Everyone is welcome to sit in our Board of Trustees Meetings.  Please watch our announcements and calendar for the next planned Board of Trustees Meeting.

Business Meeting

Our Board of Trustees

Joyce Langenegger
Joyce Langenegger is serving her second term as Board President for UUCBV. She has been a member since 2011 and attended for several years prior to joining. In her time with UUCBV she has served several Board terms, on the Committee on Ministry, and on the Sacred Space Team. Joyce is currently the Dean for Academic Support Services for Blinn College and is delighted that UUCBV is now Blinn’s neighbor. She believes our church will be an asset to Blinn’s students as well as the residents of our new neighborhood. She and her husband, Kirk Hamilton, have two energetic Golden Retrievers and after 30 years in Houston, all four of them enjoy their country life.
Brian Lockridge (he/him) is a dad, husband, nurse, case manager and soccer fan. He has been a Unitarian Universalist for about 16 years. Brian is passionate about Unitarian Universalism and its power to change the world, as well as Brazos Valley UU’s power to change Texas. 
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Brian Lockridge
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Past President
Molly Ward
Molly was born to very supportive, compassionate parents. She was raised in the Catholic Church, Army style, and eventually landed at Texas A&M, where she was first introduced to Buddhism. After graduation, the good vibes of the Brazos Valley kept her here, and she began attending the UU Church in 2008, after many years of searching for a place where she could be spiritually accepted, nurtured and challenged. Like so many at the UUCBV, Molly has served in a wide range of roles over the years, including serving on the Board. She’s grateful for the therapy that singing and dancing provides in her life, and she loves playing with plants and being in nature. Her son Eli will be 16 in February, and Juna will be 14 in January! Her incredible partner also has three children; Payden is 21, Kenley will be 17 in December, and Carson is 15. She is pumped to have Rev Kiya here and is looking forward to the magic we have yet to create!
Although he was born in Houston and lived there and other parts of the U.S. much of his life, Jerry has deep family roots in the Brazos Valley going back to the Texas Republic. He was introduced to Unitarian Universalism at an early age through attending meetings and services with UU friends, and he finally joined a UU congregation in 1995. He joined UUCBV in 2002 after moving to the family ranch in Grimes County. Jerry especially appreciates the fact that UUism offers the theological freedom to explore different spiritual paths within a community actively seeking social and environmental justice.
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Jerry Wagnon
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Gaye Webb
Gaye has been a Unitarian Universalist since 1995 when she joined First UU Church in Houston. She has been an active member and leader at UUCBV since 2008.  During the last 25 years, she has accumulated years of experience as a church leader in congregational life in multiple areas, serving on many committees and teams, including governing boards (as president, secretary, treasurer, and at-large member), worship, adult religious education, membership, finance, stewardship, hospitality, pastoral care, bylaws, nominating, committee on ministry, healthy congregations, social justice, sacred space, and others.  
Ivy Chatwin is new to the UU scene after growing up LDS, but she’s not new to leading classes, performing music, or serving on committees geared toward children's instruction or group activities. She also brings intersectional experiences with neurodivergence, chronic illness, and LGBT+ issues to the table, brightened by enthusiasm for music, art, science, and the great outdoors. She considers herself a Buddhist, Humanist, or Atheopagan, depending on the light, and hopes her input will be helpful as we balance the steadying influence of tradition with the flexibility required to meet the quickly changing needs of younger generations.
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Trustee At-Large
Ivy Chatwin
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Trustee At-Large
Olga Kuchment
Having lived near people of many different faiths, Olga Kuchment was grateful to find in UUCBV a vibrant community where she felt at home. Since unofficially joining the congregation in 2017, Olga Kuchment has looked for ways to support it. She has been a voting member of UUCBV since 2019. A love of coffee, snacks, and providing people with coffee and snacks quickly steered Olga toward becoming a Radical Hospitality volunteer. She served as the organizer of the Radical Hospitality team in 2020-2023. In 2022, Olga along with four others served on a Call Process Task Force regarding calling Rev. Kiya to settled ministry. Olga has served on the UUCBV Board of Trustees since 2022. 
Nicole has been a member of various Christian churches since childhood. She moved to Bryan in summer 2021 with her partner, dog, and cat, and began attending the UUCBV in the summer of 2022. She is a wastewater treatment engineer and spends her free time reading and gardening.
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Trustee At-Large
Nicole Rowlette
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Trustee At-Large
Lucy Deckard
Lucy Deckard was jointly raised by devout Southern Baptist grandparents and an atheist single father, leaving her a bit unmoored spiritually. When she was introduced to Unitarian Universalism by a college friend, she realized she had found her spiritual home: a religion that supported exploration and inquiry without imposing dogma. Since then, when she considered moving somewhere, an important consideration was whether they had a UU church close by. She’s been a member of UUCBV since she and her family moved to the Brazos Valley in 2000.
Reverend Kiya Heartwood

We create just and loving community.


1719 East 29th Street

Bryan, Texas 77802

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1719 E 29th Street

Bryan, Texas, 77802




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