May is the month the board completes its year-long tasks and works to leave a clean slate for the 2022-2023 board. All agree we had a very positive year. April saw the completion of the Stewardship Drive. Although our goal was $190,000, the Stewardship Team outdid recent history obtaining $140,156.00 in pledges. The need for a larger budget came with continuing the Director of Religious Education, Membership & Outreach (DRE M/O) position. We will need to do a little more fundraising, which can be lots of fun. To start it off, long-time member Rob McGeaghin generously proposed a matching pledge of $15,000 to underwrite the DRE M/O position. So, to receive this pledged amount, we need to match it. As you all know, Allison Faber is our DRE M/O, and what a great job she is doing. We need to keep her!
The Building Fund reached its goal of $300,000 thanks to UUCBV members’ and friends’ donations, Rev. Kiya’s April 2nd Ordination Collection, and contributions from the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin in honor of Rev. Kiya. Now the Gift Giving Legacy ad hoc Committee may move forward to develop a life-long legacy program to sustain our church. May brings the UUCBV Congregational Meeting (May 22). At this meeting, UUCBV members will vote on the proposed 2022 - 2023, new board members, and the called minister. We will also announce the Jessie Coon Award recipients chosen by this year's Board of Trustees.