The word forgive comes from the Old English word forgifan, which has the meaning “to give completely.” The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word forgive, “to excuse for a fault or offense; to pardon” and “to renounce anger or resentment against.” It means “to pass over an offense and to free the offender from the consequences of it. To forgive is to grant pardon without harboring resentment.” Pardoning without harboring any resentment conveys the sense of “giving completely.” True forgiveness cannot be forced. It is a process that must unfold authentically.
March 1 “Till We Turn ‘Round Right”
What do the Shakers and Unitarian Universalists share in our theological and political history? We’ll explore our theological house in music and dance from the metaphor of parts of a house, how we can now, once again, build a ‘House for Hope’.
Forgiveness for our church
“Forgiveness means: What has happened in the past—I won’t say whatever, for judgment is not ruled out—shall not completely determine the future. You can make a new covenant; you can renew the commitment and you can start again.” James Luther Adams
March 8 ‘Healing What Is Broken in Ourselves’
We begin again and again with the hardest love to maintain – self-love. “Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes, and move on.” Les Brown
Personal Forgiveness
“Forgiveness is about healing what is broken in ourselves. It’s about reconciliation with the nature of life itself.” Marilyn Sewell
(Spring break starts Daylight Savings Time starts)
March 15 ‘Still I Rise’
Women Erased from History - From Eve’s wisdom to Mary’s Magdalene’s discipleship. And those like Maya Angelou and Katherine Johnson who made history.
“It is not ‘forgive and forget’ as if nothing wrong had ever happened, but ‘forgive and go forward,’ building on the mistakes of the past and the energy generated by reconciliation to create a new future.” Carolyn Osiek
March 22 ‘International Earth Day’
Will Climate Justice now preserve Earth’s beauty for generations to come?
Forgiveness for what we’ve done to the Earth
“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” Paul Boese
March 29 A Balm in Gilead
Exploring how those affected most by cruelty and dehumanization forgive, and move on with their lives.
Forgiveness of the Oppressed
“For me, forgiveness and compassion are always linked: how do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?” Bell Hooks