Welcome to All Ages Religious Education (RE) this Sunday, March 28th at 10 AM
For March and April 2021, we are focused on -
"Respect for Others’ Beliefs.”
This is a time to learn about other religions & beliefs.
We have a great schedule:
This Sunday, March 28th
Does Lent Always Mean No Chocolate?
Presented by Pam Johnson
Parents, please note the announcements below:
I. Please send in your child’s birth dates to me (prljohnson@yahoo.com) so that they can receive RE B-Day Cards and an RE B-day announcement!
Attention: Artists!
RE Card Project - For Adults & Children
We need artistic creations to produce cards with authentic home-made pictures to thank those who have contributed to the Building Fund & also as Everyday Cards. Remember - Children’s ‘scribbles’ make the best cards.
Card guidelines:
●Draw your best picture on an 8-1/2” x 11“ sheet of paper.
●Sign your creation with your name and, for children, their age.
●Scan or send a photo of your artwork to Nancy at admin@brazos-uu
- OR -
●Mail the artwork to the church - UUCBV, PO Box 12372, College Station, TX 77842 and address with Attn. Nancy Deer.
●Deadline - Please get your pictures in by April 15, 2021!
Upcoming RE Schedule:
April 4 - Rev. Christian - Recreating Our Pandemic World: Celebrating Easter This Year
April 11- Dhrubaa Mukherjee - Hinduism: The Goddesses of India
April 18 - Molly - Buddhism
April 25 - Gaye - Our Favorite Things About Unitarian Universalism
May 2 - Joe Daigle Atheism/Agnosticism/Gnosticism
May 9 - Judaism