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Updated: Oct 15, 2020

The website is now a living collection of all who participate and shape it! There is no single person who runs our website, as it is truly a community effort by those who choose to join us in our Community HUB! There are various ways for people to interact with the website on various levels, and EVERYONE is welcome to join!

Those with leadership roles, such as Staff, Board Members, Committee Chairs, and other regularly active members in the church have many tools at their fingertips and are encouraged to reach out to the Communications Team for more information on how they can help shape the website and build the community! The quickest way to get involved is to engage in discussion about what matters most to you in our Discussion Forum (, our Facebook Page (, and our Facebook Group (!

2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
31 mar 2020

And though your technical knowledge is driving the great social media things that are happening for Brazos UU, there is a Committee, a team effort. Much kudos to Deb Wilson and Nancy Deer. Nancy does so much of the work getting Brazos Uu news published across many platforms.

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Miembro desconocido
31 mar 2020

John, you are a treasure! I so appreciate ALL THE WORK you've done to move Brazos UU towards relevance to this century.

Me gusta
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