Tech & Site Admin

Nov 4, 20212 min

Draft BOT Agenda for Nov. 9th, 5:30 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of the Brazos Valley

Draft BOT Agenda


It is difficult to prepare and post the BOT's agendas when we meet twice per month. Unfortunately, I forgot to post the agenda for the last BOT meeting on Oct. 26th. So, here is the draft BOT Agenda for Tuesday, November. If all goes well, we will have only one BOT Meeting this month and in December.

The reason I am posting the draft agendas of our BOT meetings is to let YOU know what kind of things we will be talking about. As you can see from the agenda, we are embracing the liaison board model.

Please see the link below or on our interactive calendar to join the meeting as a guest - If you would like the links to any of the documents listed below, please let me know and I will send them to you. Otherwise, just show up for the BOT Meeting on 11/9 at 5:30 pm, and I'll give you the links then.

Thank you,

Pam Johnson

2021-2022 President of the UUCBV BOT


Unitarian Universalist Church of the Brazos Valley

Draft BOT Agenda


ZOOM Link:

Meeting ID: 852 6833 6317

Passcode: 1956

6:30 Welcome to Visitors

Invited Guest: none

Zoom protocol and Role Assignments.

Scribe and Process Observer - Please use the documents via these hyperlinks:

Scribe for Action Items -Maya Lazarus

Process Observer - Bobby Presley

Check-In BOT Members and Minister.

6:40 Chalice Lighting and Opening Words - Molly Hagan-Ward

6:45 Adopt the Draft Board Agenda - Motion Needed

Adopt Consent Agenda - Motion Needed

10/26/21 BOT Draft Minutes

10/26/21 BOT Draft Meeting Notes

Minister’s Report

Financial Reports

7:00 Discussion Items:

I. BOT authorization needed for Kathy Wheeler: 1M to pay construction & associated bills. This is the estimated amount needed to pay bills for the next five to six months of construction - Molly Hagan-Ward, Liaison

Expenditures from Fidelity for 1719 Property

Fidelity Property ExpensesAZ

II. Assigning committee members to FiComm. Goal: to project expenses for 2022 - 2023 fiscal year ahead of planning Stewardship Campaign. Liaison - Gaye Webb

III. 11/09/21 Review: First In-person Service since Covid-19 Pandemic - Pastor Kiya

IV. Update: 11/03/2021 Meeting at the Pact Design Office - Molly Hagan-Ward, John Ivy

IV. BOT Report: Updated Property Team Charge - Josh Wilkinson, Liaison

IV. BOT Report: MSJE Charge- Maya Lazarus, Liaison

8:00 Executive Session: Joint Evaluation of Minister

8:30 Meeting Reports -

Scribe for Action Items - Maya Lazarus

Process Observer - Bobby Presley

Chalice Extinguishing and Closing Words - Molly Hagan-Ward

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:30 pm

We create just and loving community
